Ships Lost in Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth and Environs

Quote: "African (1) 1873 Key, Kinghorn 2019 tons was employed as a mail steamer between England and the Cape until 1881 when she was transferred to the South African coasting service. Four years later she was purchased by F. Stumore and Company of London, who retained the original name of the vessel. On February 15th 1887 when bound with a cargo of coals from Cardiff to Jeddah, she ran ashore in the Red Sea at Abu Madaff, 40 miles from Suakim, and became a total wreck."
African,plied South Africa's sea ports and coastal areas.
Abbotsford, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth lost 12 October 1884
Abeona, lost north of the equator carrying 1820 Settlers 25 November 1820
Active, Plettenberg Bay ran aground on 17 June 1722
Amsterdam, Algoa Bay ran aground Zwartkop (Amsterdamhoek) 16 December 1812
Amwell, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked 15 August 1852
Asiatic, Algoa Bay wrecked 09 June 1850
Ann, Algoa Bay wrecked April 1796
Alert, Algoa Bay wrecked 04 September 1840
Amelia Mulholland, Algoa Bay wrecked 16 February 1800’s
Albinia, Algoa Bay wrecked 13 September 1851
Archimedes, from Port Elizabeth to Natal

Blankalter, Algoa Bay 25 March 1846
Bosphorus, Cape St. Frances struck reef broke in pieces
British Duke, Cape St Francis wrecked 1888
Charles, Algoa Bay schooner struck rock Bird Island 15 November 1845
Charlotte, Algoa Bay carrying the 27th Regiment driven ashore near Jetty Street Port Elizabeth 19 September 1854
Cromartyshire, Cape St Francis wrecked 1901
Cape Recife, Cape St Francis wrecked 1929
California, January 20 - Arrival of California from Algoa Bay, bound for Port Natal
The Chapman, transport ship.This ship arrived in Algoa Bay on the 10th/14th April 1820.

The arrival of the Settler ship the Chapman

Dane, Algoa Bay wrecked 17 May 1865
Doddington, Algoa Bay wrecked 17 July 1755 at Bird Island. Some survivors built small sloop from salvaged material and named her Happy Deliverance which took them to Delagoa Bay
Delhi, Algoa Bay wrecked 25 August 1844
Diadem, Plettenberg Bay 04 wrecked December 1851
Doris, Algoa Bay wrecked 17 October 1850
Dorothea, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked during the great gale 30 August 1888
Drie Emmas, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked during the great gale 30 August 1888
Douglas, November 16 1846 - Arrival of Douglas from Algoa Bay, bound for Port Natal
Dreadnaught, Port Elizabeth

Passenger list of the Dreadnaught
Easter Province, on way from Port Elizabeth wrecked 26 June 1865
Elizabeth Rowell, Algoa Bay wrecked in S.E. gale 25 August 1844
Eliza, Algoa Bay wrecked 1796
Francis Bain, Algoa Bay lost 25 March 1849
Flora, March 11 1847 - Arrival of Flora from Algoa Bay, bound for Port Natal
Gambia, Algoa Bay ran ashore near Jetty Street Port Elizabeth 1871
Grovenor, Algoa Bay wrecked 04 August 1782
George Henry Harrison, Plett wrecked 14 September 1851
Goncalo, Plettenberg Bay wrecked June 1630
Gilbert Henderson, Algoa Bay wrecked 16 March 1800’s
Gem, Feb 8th - Gem, schooner, 102 tons, W Glendining, from Table Bay, 12th January, from Algoa Bay, 29th January. About 90 tons general cargo.

The Gem passenger list
Hercules, Algoa Bay American Ship lost 16 June 1796
Hope, Cape St Francis wrecked 11 March 1840
Horwood, Algoa Bay wrecked 27 March 1845
Inchcape Rock, Algoa Bay wrecked in gale 31 August 1902
Isabel, Algoa Bay wrecked 21 August 1844
Israel, Table Bay wrecked 09 April 1850
Iris, Algoa Bay wrecked in gale 31 August 1902
Jack Tar, Algoa Bay wrecked 12 January 1840
Jessie, bound for Port Elizabeth wrecked October 1829
Jim Crow, Algoa Bay wrecked 25 March 1846
Johanna, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth gale wrecks ship 05 April 1848
John, Algoa Bay. Destined for Port Elizabeth foundered 16 September 1803. Missionary Irwin drowned and printing press lost
John Witt, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth S.E. gale wrecks ship 17 October 1850
Jarawar, Algoa Bay wrecked prior to 1902
Lady Leith, Algoa Bay wrecked between Cape Recife and Rocky Point 27 February 1848
Lady Kenneway, East London wrecked 23 November 1857. Transporting 153 respectable Irish woman and a few Englishmen with their wives and families
Laura, Algoa Bay wrecked 25 August 1844
Legonier, Algoa Bay wrecked in S.E. gale 02 March 1842
L’agile, Cape St Francis wrecked 16 June 1850
Lyngenfjord, Cape St Francis wrecked 1938
La Eagle, Cape St Francis wrecked 1840
Lady of the Lake, up to the 5th of February. The vessel sailed on the 10th, and will only call at Algoa Bay to land a few passengers for that place.

Passenger list for The Lady of the Lake
Margareth, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked 29 October 1846
Maria, Plettenberg Bay wrecked August 1788.
Martha, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked 26 May 1825
Mary, Algoa Bay wrecked 04 March 1844
Mary Ann, Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth wrecked 17 October 1850
Mocha, Algoa Bay burnt out between St Croix Island and Bird Island 10 April 1853
Mona, Algoa Bay wrecked near Port Elizabeth 28 October 1846
Milford, Jeffrey’s Bay wrecked 1875
Matilda, Cape Recife wrecked 12 April 1838
Mazeppa, January 4 1846 - Arrival of Mazeppa from Port Elizabeth, bound for Port Natal
Minerva, shipwrecked

The Minerva Shipwreck
Napoleon, the French ship chased by the British frigate Narcissus beached near Hout Bay
25 December 1805
Nerbudda, Algoa Bay lost in gale 10 June 1855
Noord, Cape St Francis wrecked at Klippen Point 25km’s from CSF 16 January 1690
Norfolk, Algoa Bay driven ashore on Seal Island 23 September 1850
Nossa Senhora de Belem, ran aground Umzimvubu river July 1686. Survivors built two boats from wreck and sailed for Angola, one of these boats was lost in Algoa Bay
Nederlandsche Vlag, Cape St Francis wrecked 1869
Niagra, Cape St Francis wrecked 1870
Nimrod, June 10 1847 - Arrival of Nimrod from Simon's Bay, bound for Port Natal, and from Algoa Bay, bound for Mauritius
Oakworth, Algoa Bay wrecked in gale 31 August 1902
Paris Maru, Algoa Bay sank 1934
Palestine, Port Elizabeth wrecked 28 October 1846
Porpoise, Algoa Bay date unknown
Prince Albert, Plettenberg Bay went ashore 24 August 1844
Phoenix, Steamer, Capt Harrington, to Algoa Bay;
Queen of the West, Cape St Francis driven on rocks 26 May 1872
Resolution, Port Elizabeth wrecked 29 October 1846
Sabina, Cape Recife wrecked 4am 07 August 1842
Sarah Black, Algoa Bay beached at North End Beach Port Elizabeth September 1869
Sea Snake, Algoa Bay one of 15 boats driven ashore during gale 18 September 1869
Seagull, Algoa Bay wrecked 25 August 1844
Sophia, Port Elizabeth wrecked during S.E. gale 29 October 1946
Spy, St Francis Bay wrecked in S.E. gale 21 August 1851
Susan, Algoa Bay wrecked in S.E. gale 25 March 1846
Swiftsure, Plettenberg Bay wrecked 08 August 1847
St Helena, Plettenberg Bay wrecked 14 September 1851
Suffolk, Cape St Francis wrecked 1900
Sarah Bell, April 5 1847 - Arrival of Sarah Bell from ? Algoa Bay, bound for Port Natal
Teuton, sank on her way to Port Elizabeth 30 August 1881
Thunderbolt, Port Elizabeth beached 03 February 1847
Trekboer, Algoa Bay wrecked 21 August 1844
Titanic, Lost at sea 1912
Tar, Algoa Bay

Passenger list for the Tar

Vibilia, September 13 1847 - Arrival of Vibilia from Algoa Bay, bound for Port Natal
Waterloo, Algoa Bay driven ashore by violent gale near Cawoods Bay 05 April 1848
West Indian, Algoa Bay wrecked 04 December 1851
Western Knight, Schoenmakerskop Port Elizabeth American ship wrecked in 1929
William Foster, Cape Recife Port Elizabeth wrecked 17 July 1851
William Pitt, the Indiaman Cape Recife wrecked 13 December 1813
Wolsley, Port Elizabeth driven ashore in the great gale 30 August 1888
Zeepard, Cape Recife Dutch man-o-war wrecked +-1823
Research Source
On and off the coasts of Southern Africa
Compiled by
R.F.Kennedy – City Librarian - Johannesburg