Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Black cops Criminalise Victims Port Elizabeth

Black cop tells victims: You whites must fuck off
"It's time you whites packed your
bags and fucked off."
Written by Gloria Edwards, Beeld
With these words a black police inspector from Tembisa on the East Rand allegedly scolded the victims of an armed robbery and hijacking attempt in Kempton Park on Monday night.
This officer, whose name is known to Beeld, apparently refused to arrest a black suspect on the scene.
He also refused to open a case after Nic Lubbe, 51, from Kempton Park West, his daughter, Antoenet Cronjé, and her two sons, Morné, 11, and Kyle, 3, were assailed by robbers on Monday night.
'White dogs'
He ostensibly also refused to allow white members of the Norkem Park police to search the suspects' car and called them "white dogs".
Lubbe said he was on his way to drop off his daughter and grandchildren at their house in Terrenure at about 23:00 when he saw a grey Corsa bakkie next to the road in Orange River Street.
Suddenly the Corsa bakkie's headlights went on to blind Lubbe. Then it was driven into Lubbe's bakkie from behind.
Three armed men jumped off the back and grabbed Cronjé's handbag.
Lubbe sped away and later returned to the scene with his wife, Mara, 49, and members of the Norkem Park police office.
A black inspector from the Tembisa roadblock task team was already there with one of the suspects (the driver of the Corsa). The other three got away.
"The inspector said we were white dogs and he told a white policewoman that he would see to it that she was shot dead in a robbery.
"Then he cocked his R5 (rifle) in my face and said it was time that we whites packed our bags and fucked off out of the country."
An eyewitness apparently heard the inspector's offensive remarks.
"I saw how these people were robbed, but he protected the criminal."
The inspector apparently did open an accident report. The Corsa driver's wife then arrived on the scene, posing as a police officer.
One of the Norkem Park police officers said this woman wanted to arrest them when they tried to search the Corsa for "interfering with the scene".
Lubbe said the woman emptied out the contents of his daughter's handbag and returned the empty handbag to her.
On Tuesday Lubbe opened a case of armed robbery and attempted hijacking at the Norkem Park police.
Gauteng police spokesperson Superintendent Eugene Opperman said the matter was being investigated "with the view to possible disciplinary steps."
The Tembisa and provincial police management have expressed their shock at the alleged incident, he said.
Defiantly Posted by Justin Igger at 10:03 AM
It appears that the higher powers within the South African Police Service are protecting criminal members within this outfit, as in most cases they say they are investigating and then very little or nothing is done. All victims of criminal violence perpetrated by this outfit (SAPS) must be reported to the United Nations Helpdesk in New York and the helpdesk at the International criminal Court in the Hague.
"And on Earth, Peace....." Port Elizabeth
What on earth did the angels say in luke2:14? Was it “on earth peace, good will toward men” (KJV), or “on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased” (RSV), or “on earth his peace for men on whom his favour rests,”1 or “peace upon earth among men of goodwill”?2 The brief song of praise by the host of heaven immediately after the announcement of the birth of JESUS has indeed been translated in widely different ways. See the other suggestions in The New Testament from 26 Translations (Zondervan, 1967).
It may surprise you to find such a wide difference of opinion about so few words. This look at the matter may help you understand the problem and see the difficulties in the passage.
First the last word of Luke 2:14 in the Greek New Testament, translated “good will” in the King James Version, appears with two different endings in the existing Greek texts. To be technical, one of the endings places the word in the nominative case and makes it coordinate with “peace”. This position is reflected in the King James Version.
The other ending has the noun in the genitive case, the case of possession and relationships. This usage puts the idea in “goodwill” in an entirely different light. The idea then would not be “peace and good will among men” but “peace among men of good will”
Both readings appear in ancient Greek manuscripts, but the weight of evidence supports the genitive case, the just-mentioned translation. The editors of the major Greek texts – Westcott and Hort, Nestle, and the editors of the American Bible Society text – all give the genitive case as the original reading.
A careful study of the verse discounts the nominative case also on the basis of the meaning of peace itself. “Peace among men” and “goodwill among men” would be practically the same idea. No new idea is added in this type of construction. Also, the two words are not connected by a conjunction in the Greek text and are in fact separated by the words “on earth”.
More significantly, the essential pattern of the song of angels seems broken when the second half of the song has two subjects. Notice the three parallel elements:
Glory - to GOD - in the highest (heaven)
Peace - among men - on earth
If the song has any balance, this sketch makes it apparent. The angels gave glory to GOD in the highest. “Highest” is actually a plural word which indicates the “highest places”, that is, in heavenly courts. After giving glory to GOD in heaven, they announced peace among men on earth. The word translated “good will” almost certainly is intended to modify- to explain or present a qualifying comment – about the nature of those men to whom peace has been announced.
The second major problem is how to translate the shade of emphasis in the word “good will”, eudokias. The noun is from the verb eudokeo which means “it seems good” (Luke 12:32), “it is well pleasing” (Matt. 3:17), and “it pleased” (Gal. 1:15). The noun is translated “good pleasure” (Eph 1:5-9: Phil. 2:13) and “good will” (Phil. 1:15).
The consistent usage of this word in the Gospels points in the direction of the meaning as “well pleasing to GOD.” Note that each time GOD spoke from heaven about his SON, he used used the root idea in this word. “This is my beloved SON, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 17:5)
The frequency of its use in this manner lends weight to the idea that it should be given that force in Luke 2:14. The word should not be translated to convey the idea that GOD brought goodwill to earth among men (although he certainly is the source of goodwill!), but it should be phrased so as to support the meaning that CHRIST’s coming brings peace to men who are pleasing to GOD. The most reasonable conclusion is that the men who please GOD are those who will respond to his SON in repentance and faith.
One other factor adds to the difficulty of translating the passage. The words themselves in the beautiful and beloved King James Version have become so much part of our Christmas heritage that it seems like heresy to change the familiar words, “and on earth peace, good will toward men”. But, the facts point to the idea that the angels were declaring “on earth peace among men well pleasing to GOD.”
Whatever you may well decide in your study of this verse, keep the overall thrust of the song in proper focus. The coming of GOD’s SON to be the Saviour from sin was such a tremendous happening that it caused the angels to ascribe glory to GOD for doing it and to proclaim peace to all men who would respond to JESUS in a way that pleased GOD.
By James L Travis
Dr. Travis is professor of biblical studies, Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain, Mississippi.
Reproduced from the Biblical Illustrator
Fall 1980
What on earth did the angels say in luke2:14? Was it “on earth peace, good will toward men” (KJV), or “on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased” (RSV), or “on earth his peace for men on whom his favour rests,”1 or “peace upon earth among men of goodwill”?2 The brief song of praise by the host of heaven immediately after the announcement of the birth of JESUS has indeed been translated in widely different ways. See the other suggestions in The New Testament from 26 Translations (Zondervan, 1967).
It may surprise you to find such a wide difference of opinion about so few words. This look at the matter may help you understand the problem and see the difficulties in the passage.
First the last word of Luke 2:14 in the Greek New Testament, translated “good will” in the King James Version, appears with two different endings in the existing Greek texts. To be technical, one of the endings places the word in the nominative case and makes it coordinate with “peace”. This position is reflected in the King James Version.
The other ending has the noun in the genitive case, the case of possession and relationships. This usage puts the idea in “goodwill” in an entirely different light. The idea then would not be “peace and good will among men” but “peace among men of good will”
Both readings appear in ancient Greek manuscripts, but the weight of evidence supports the genitive case, the just-mentioned translation. The editors of the major Greek texts – Westcott and Hort, Nestle, and the editors of the American Bible Society text – all give the genitive case as the original reading.
A careful study of the verse discounts the nominative case also on the basis of the meaning of peace itself. “Peace among men” and “goodwill among men” would be practically the same idea. No new idea is added in this type of construction. Also, the two words are not connected by a conjunction in the Greek text and are in fact separated by the words “on earth”.
More significantly, the essential pattern of the song of angels seems broken when the second half of the song has two subjects. Notice the three parallel elements:
Glory - to GOD - in the highest (heaven)
Peace - among men - on earth
If the song has any balance, this sketch makes it apparent. The angels gave glory to GOD in the highest. “Highest” is actually a plural word which indicates the “highest places”, that is, in heavenly courts. After giving glory to GOD in heaven, they announced peace among men on earth. The word translated “good will” almost certainly is intended to modify- to explain or present a qualifying comment – about the nature of those men to whom peace has been announced.
The second major problem is how to translate the shade of emphasis in the word “good will”, eudokias. The noun is from the verb eudokeo which means “it seems good” (Luke 12:32), “it is well pleasing” (Matt. 3:17), and “it pleased” (Gal. 1:15). The noun is translated “good pleasure” (Eph 1:5-9: Phil. 2:13) and “good will” (Phil. 1:15).
The consistent usage of this word in the Gospels points in the direction of the meaning as “well pleasing to GOD.” Note that each time GOD spoke from heaven about his SON, he used used the root idea in this word. “This is my beloved SON, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 17:5)
The frequency of its use in this manner lends weight to the idea that it should be given that force in Luke 2:14. The word should not be translated to convey the idea that GOD brought goodwill to earth among men (although he certainly is the source of goodwill!), but it should be phrased so as to support the meaning that CHRIST’s coming brings peace to men who are pleasing to GOD. The most reasonable conclusion is that the men who please GOD are those who will respond to his SON in repentance and faith.
One other factor adds to the difficulty of translating the passage. The words themselves in the beautiful and beloved King James Version have become so much part of our Christmas heritage that it seems like heresy to change the familiar words, “and on earth peace, good will toward men”. But, the facts point to the idea that the angels were declaring “on earth peace among men well pleasing to GOD.”
Whatever you may well decide in your study of this verse, keep the overall thrust of the song in proper focus. The coming of GOD’s SON to be the Saviour from sin was such a tremendous happening that it caused the angels to ascribe glory to GOD for doing it and to proclaim peace to all men who would respond to JESUS in a way that pleased GOD.
By James L Travis
Dr. Travis is professor of biblical studies, Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain, Mississippi.
Reproduced from the Biblical Illustrator
Fall 1980
Monday, November 24, 2008
Art Rennaissance Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Italian Art work embedded in marble. The work shows extensive damage which I have tried to repair electronically to show its true glory which I will post later.
Receive a Blessing Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Jerusalem scroll dated around 600 BC
“May the LORD bless you and keep you
May the LORD cause HIS face to shine upon
you and be gracious to you:
May the LORD lift up his countenance upon
you and grant you peace”
The New York Times
Sunday Times
Science and Technology
Sunday October 17th 2004 Page 11
Article by John Noble Wilford
Dr. Gabriel Barkay discovered the scroll (600BC) at Ketef Hinnom in the Old City of Jerusalem in Israel’s Capital, the scrolls said to date well before the “Dead Sea Scrolls”
Like an Eagle Port Elizabeth
Like an Eagle
Isiah 40:31
LORD push me from my cosy nest
Where I feel so secure
In YOU alone I find true rest,
YOUR promises are sure.
Though mountains may be rough and steep
And storms and wind prevail,
YOUR mighty power will always keep
YOUR love will never fail.
At times I feel I’ve little worth
I flap my wings and try
To rise above the things of earth –
LORD, teach me how to fly.
YOU are the wind beneath my wings
I’ll put my hope in YOU,
What comfort, joy and peace it brings
When YOU my strength renew.
Reproduced by kind permission
Isiah 40:31
LORD push me from my cosy nest
Where I feel so secure
In YOU alone I find true rest,
YOUR promises are sure.
Though mountains may be rough and steep
And storms and wind prevail,
YOUR mighty power will always keep
YOUR love will never fail.
At times I feel I’ve little worth
I flap my wings and try
To rise above the things of earth –
LORD, teach me how to fly.
YOU are the wind beneath my wings
I’ll put my hope in YOU,
What comfort, joy and peace it brings
When YOU my strength renew.
Reproduced by kind permission
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Big Man Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Save the Shacks Save the Houses Port Elizabeth
Somewhat a hollow ring to the saying, “ there will be houses for everyone…” Six hundred million rand has gone missing from the housing project finances. Fifteen billion rand has also gone missing in social services according to a report but this is disgusting when considering the oft highlighted plight of the masses.

R600 MILLION missing in housing. (Read the STORY by Pieter du Toit in the BEELD on the 27 July 2006.)
The recent announcement that the Manganese loading bay in the Port Elizabeth harbour will be moved, perhaps to the Coega deep water Port, is cryptic for the erection of a statue on the deep water side of the harbour dyke. The cost, 360 million rand, perhaps double that amount once it is completed!
The statue dedicated to a man of communist persuasion, will eclipse the dimensions of the “Statue of Liberty”, a kind of Nebuchadnezzan idol in modern times . The statue will purportedly be an engineering marvel built on a man made island which forms part of the harbour wall but will rotate 360 degrees as it follows the sun from dusk to dawn. The structure will sit on pillars drilled deep into the ocean bed and house a museum honouring so called friends of South Africa, the likes of Gaddafi, Arafat, the human rights criminal Mugabe, and others. The construction can be likened to a layered cake, if the plans don’t change; first the stabilising platform emerging from the ocean bed, then the museum, thereafter the statue rising skyward with its raised fist/hand greeting visitors to Algoa Bay. The statue will have an internal concrete or steel structure, perhaps fabricated from stainless steel to prevent ocean corrosion, upon which the moulded sheets of copper will be attached to give it a human embodiment. Behind it the city centre will look on.
A huge sum of money to spend on a man who was never born in the area, did nothing for it’s development, came nearly two centuries after the arrival of the 1820 settlers to claim Port Elizabeth as his own, yet those behind the idea of an extravagent ornament have capitalised on the hard work and ideas of others, to make this plan in the pipeline, a reality. I can already see the [BEE] contractors lining up whilst ringing their hands beside winking government officials dishing out contracts like sweets to the business community. I see major newspapers, including the Eastern Province Herald taking the lead, manufacturing stories of gleaming financial outcomes once the project has been completed, with stated unending benefits to local industry. Officials gauranteeing the forthcoming never ending tourism opportunities, and how South Africa’s image will shine abroad, not forgetting the thousands of jobs which will be generated.
But everyone knows the flipside of this lavish pending project in a third world country, what it means. The compounded interest on money could offset the cost of Aids treatment, clean water, bread, grain, medicines, hospitalisation, schools, libraries and a host of other pressing needs which in themselves are job creators. I am an outsider looking in and not part of South Africa's community, a community from which there must surely be a cry from those who have struggled unnecessarily in life, “don’t let the injustices of the past, be the injustice of the future.”
South Africa within a short space of 30 years will be reaching its 1 millionth violent murder if the statistics don't climb, would the money not be better spent on protecting the children of the future?
"The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it"
Ayn Rand

Drs. Cecil and Mary O’Brien, two missionaries from Northern Ireland, founded the “Elim” Mission station in 1951 (Exodus 15:27) when they settled at Iyanga North, at Katerere in Southern Rhodesia, which then became Rhodesia, and since Zimbabwe. Another missionary with Irish roots born in Culleybackey married Joyce Pickering from the mission, and they had a 6 week old baby Pamela Grace when the terrorists struck. “Elim” was founded on the FAITH and calling of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS said: “If they hated me they will also hate you” and these prophetic words certainly ring true in the case of “Elim”. On the 23rd June 1978 all thirteen missionaries at “Elim” including their children were massacred by mugabwian terrorist savages. These massacres are similar in intensity and brutality against Christian Minority communities in Zimbabwe and South Africa at this present time and come with an ominous warning. (Pictures downloaded from website www.africancrisis.org/photos8.asp in Jan Lamprecht’s article entitled Anatomy of Terror. )
The kind of human rights criminal who is said will be displayed in the statue museum to be built against the harbour wall in Port Elizabeth.

Blacks SLIT THROAT of FATHER Delcan Collins from Ireland in his home in South Africa for nothing more than his wallet (PICTURE and STORY: From THE STAR 18th November 2003.)
Somewhat a hollow ring to the saying, “ there will be houses for everyone…” Six hundred million rand has gone missing from the housing project finances. Fifteen billion rand has also gone missing in social services according to a report but this is disgusting when considering the oft highlighted plight of the masses.
R600 MILLION missing in housing. (Read the STORY by Pieter du Toit in the BEELD on the 27 July 2006.)
The recent announcement that the Manganese loading bay in the Port Elizabeth harbour will be moved, perhaps to the Coega deep water Port, is cryptic for the erection of a statue on the deep water side of the harbour dyke. The cost, 360 million rand, perhaps double that amount once it is completed!
The statue dedicated to a man of communist persuasion, will eclipse the dimensions of the “Statue of Liberty”, a kind of Nebuchadnezzan idol in modern times . The statue will purportedly be an engineering marvel built on a man made island which forms part of the harbour wall but will rotate 360 degrees as it follows the sun from dusk to dawn. The structure will sit on pillars drilled deep into the ocean bed and house a museum honouring so called friends of South Africa, the likes of Gaddafi, Arafat, the human rights criminal Mugabe, and others. The construction can be likened to a layered cake, if the plans don’t change; first the stabilising platform emerging from the ocean bed, then the museum, thereafter the statue rising skyward with its raised fist/hand greeting visitors to Algoa Bay. The statue will have an internal concrete or steel structure, perhaps fabricated from stainless steel to prevent ocean corrosion, upon which the moulded sheets of copper will be attached to give it a human embodiment. Behind it the city centre will look on.
A huge sum of money to spend on a man who was never born in the area, did nothing for it’s development, came nearly two centuries after the arrival of the 1820 settlers to claim Port Elizabeth as his own, yet those behind the idea of an extravagent ornament have capitalised on the hard work and ideas of others, to make this plan in the pipeline, a reality. I can already see the [BEE] contractors lining up whilst ringing their hands beside winking government officials dishing out contracts like sweets to the business community. I see major newspapers, including the Eastern Province Herald taking the lead, manufacturing stories of gleaming financial outcomes once the project has been completed, with stated unending benefits to local industry. Officials gauranteeing the forthcoming never ending tourism opportunities, and how South Africa’s image will shine abroad, not forgetting the thousands of jobs which will be generated.
But everyone knows the flipside of this lavish pending project in a third world country, what it means. The compounded interest on money could offset the cost of Aids treatment, clean water, bread, grain, medicines, hospitalisation, schools, libraries and a host of other pressing needs which in themselves are job creators. I am an outsider looking in and not part of South Africa's community, a community from which there must surely be a cry from those who have struggled unnecessarily in life, “don’t let the injustices of the past, be the injustice of the future.”
South Africa within a short space of 30 years will be reaching its 1 millionth violent murder if the statistics don't climb, would the money not be better spent on protecting the children of the future?
"The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it"
Ayn Rand
Drs. Cecil and Mary O’Brien, two missionaries from Northern Ireland, founded the “Elim” Mission station in 1951 (Exodus 15:27) when they settled at Iyanga North, at Katerere in Southern Rhodesia, which then became Rhodesia, and since Zimbabwe. Another missionary with Irish roots born in Culleybackey married Joyce Pickering from the mission, and they had a 6 week old baby Pamela Grace when the terrorists struck. “Elim” was founded on the FAITH and calling of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS said: “If they hated me they will also hate you” and these prophetic words certainly ring true in the case of “Elim”. On the 23rd June 1978 all thirteen missionaries at “Elim” including their children were massacred by mugabwian terrorist savages. These massacres are similar in intensity and brutality against Christian Minority communities in Zimbabwe and South Africa at this present time and come with an ominous warning. (Pictures downloaded from website www.africancrisis.org/photos8.asp in Jan Lamprecht’s article entitled Anatomy of Terror. )
The kind of human rights criminal who is said will be displayed in the statue museum to be built against the harbour wall in Port Elizabeth.
Blacks SLIT THROAT of FATHER Delcan Collins from Ireland in his home in South Africa for nothing more than his wallet (PICTURE and STORY: From THE STAR 18th November 2003.)
Marina Martinique Jeffrey's Bay Port Elizabeth
Marina Martinique
Marina Martinique in Jeffrey’s Bay was developed in the 1980’s as a playground for the ultra wealthy. The crash of Master Bond saw the end of South Africa’s only lock system in the Eastern Cape and indeed the country, but the man who developed it was a Christian visionary.
The lock system, designed in England, transformed boring coastal topography into a colourful marina with yachts, small boats tide to moorings, and a paddle steamer complete with pub, all of which complimented multi million rand real estate. The crown of the development were the beautiful dwellings which straddled the canals, which only the well heeled could afford. Even big names such as South Africa’s Minister of Defense, D.F.Malan, was said to have bought property on the marina.
The development of the marina was a good idea considering the economic stagnation in the Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth and its environs, but after Master Bond’s demise there were no visionaries to equal the likes of MM’s original architect in my opinion, and all the meaningful design and operational features that made Marina Martinique so unique were allowed to fall into disrepair, sometimes purposely engineered that way through lack of foresight. An example of the locks demise was allowing the barge, which cleared the channel to the open sea, to be sold off resulting in the channel closing up completely. Another bad idea was the removal of the paddle steamer with its decks and pub from the marina’s waterways as it was this special feature which added to the marina’s air of opulence. Another serious blow was sealing the lock entrance which brought to an end the operation of the mechanical bridge, which in those days could be raised, to allow yachts with their tall masts to pass through unobstructed.
However, if the good fortunes of the original idea could ever be capitalized on, it has surely been dealt a death blow with the development of a squatter camp and low cost housing for South Africa’s indigenous population, a mere stones throw from this extraordinary complex. Multi million rand homes now face dingy four by four cement box views which house the masses of poor and illiterate people, not a good planning scenario for someone who wants to make a good investment in my opinion, although it is glaringly apparent that the poor need homes. Ever heard the saying for a good property investment? Location, location, location…..! However the purchase and development of property still continues on MM’s canals, and I have personally enjoyed watching children swimming along the canal dykes within the confines of the gated complex, and those with motorboats speeding up and down the canals enjoying themselves under the sunny skies of Jeffrey’s Bay.
Marina Martinique remains a testimony of what can be achieved in bringing lock system technology from Europe for creative local use so that communities can prosper through investment. The businessman who brought so much development to places like Lonehill and Marina Martinique has since retired, but many today enjoy the fruits of his exceptional creations.
To use these images quote: Our Christian Heritage/www.portelizabethtimes.blogspot.com/jpg 090/2009
The Introduction of the Bicycle Port Elizabeth
The first bicycle introduced into South Africa were the "Penny Farthings" by the British. Port Elizabeth was not a favorite venue for the bicycle because of the wind and the terrain, and roads were not as developed as Cape Town. However times changed as the bicycle became more and more advanced, with lighter frames and the tube and tyre, and other huge technological advances in cycling. Today there are thousands of bicycles in Port Elizabeth.
A smartly dressed couple seated on an 1886
Wonderful Tram System Port Elizabeth
This is an early image photo of the Port Elizabeth tram system which faded after cheaper forms of transport became available. However Port elizabeth's topography almost matches that of the city San Francisco and it would be wonderful to see the reintroduction of the tram system for local and tourism porposes. The tram shown in the picture is advertising a Christian outreach by Gypsy Smith on the poster in front of the vehicle. Christianity formed the basis of early life in the city, and today churches have exploded around Port Elizabeth as the FAITH of our saviour JESUS CHRIST takes hold.
Captain Frances Evatt Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
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