Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Soviet Icon Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Border Massed Choir Eastern Cape
My View Port Elizabeth
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Elizabeth Donkins Grave Port Elizabeth

Credit to photographer.
Picture downloaded from website
Elizabeth Donkin died of fever in Meerut India while her husband was on official duty in Britian's armed forces. She bore him a son named George Donkin.Her grave is in the centre of the picture.
The inscription says:
Elizabeth Frances Donkin
Daughter of Dr. Markham
The Dean of York
and wife of Major General Donkin
Died Aug 28th 1818
Aged 28yrs
Credit to photographer.
Harvest Christian School Port Elizabeth
Harvest Christian School is a Ministry of Harvest Christian Church
Whenever I compare myself with others round about
I soon become despondent and filled with fear and doubt,
Yet others, though they may succeed and earn a great reward
They’ll never know true happiness until they know the Lord.
My life is full of meaning for I’m God’s own precious child,
And even though the world around is wicked – evil – wild,
I have a peace within my heart that no one can destroy,
For Jesus loves me as I am, and fills my life with joy.
Nothing I could ever do could help me find the way,
My nature, being so sinful, the sin was there to stay
‘til Christ reached down and touched me – and took away my sin
and broke the hold that Satan had, and set me free within.
Things round about are changing and crumbling with decay,
Nothing seems for certain, things worsen every day;
But I’m secure because I know God understands and cares,
He’s always there to comfort, and banish all my fears.
The moments come when I feel down and nothing turns out right,
But I believe, because “we walk by faith and not by sight”
God gives His children problems to test their faith and trust
Yet even then He’s with them, for He’s merciful and just.
He left so many promises for us to freely claim,
He’ll keep His Word forever, for He’ll always be the same,
One promise He must still fulfill to those who are His own,
He said He’s coming back one day to fetch His children home.
I have this hope that one day my Jesus I will meet
and when I get to heaven, I’ll sit down at His feet
and gaze upon His lovely face, forever, through the years,
All heartache will be worthwhile when He wipes away my tears.
Used with permission
Harvest Christian Church Port Elizabeth
65. I BELIEVE (23)
Though I seem so small as I gaze around and see the things You’ve made
And Your power and might astounds me, I never feel afraid,
The extent of Your greatness I will never quite conceive
Yet I know You’re there – and that You care – and somehow, I believe.
Your handiwork is evident in things both large and small
So how can there be anyone who can’t believe at all?
The mountains, seas and rivers in this world are just a part
And the perfume of the roses portray Your tender heart.
When sunlight filters through the clouds and Your rainbow can be seen
When crystal-coloured raindrops leave the grass all fresh and green,
When the spring arrives in season, buds pushing through the sod –
The beauty of creation confirms that You are God.
When branches of the oak trees are outstretched to the sky,
And tiny, feathered, baby birds start learning how to fly,
When newborn calves and foals and lambs first struggle to their feet
I’m sure that You are gentle to have made things be so sweet.
Wandering through a forest, with just a whispering breeze,
Seeing tiny little insects, birds singing in the trees,
Or standing at the ocean, in my hands a pink-tinged shell
convinces me without a doubt that You are very real.
When snowflakes flutter silently to settle on the ground,
‘til every hill and valley in a coat of white is found,
When streams and lakes are frozen, like mirrors, on the land
I’m filled with awe, for here too, I see Your ruling hand.
At evening when the sun sets, its fiery, crimson glow
is something else to prove that You are watching down below
And when at last the twinkling stars and moon begin to shine
I’m made aware each planet is Your very own design.
The seasons come and go each year in just the way You’ve planned
And day and night are always there, well-ordered by Your hand,
And even when storms threaten, and in fury begin to increase
I’m filled with Your tranquility, serenity, and peace.
Life passes by so quickly, and is always filled with much
that can take one’s eyes from heaven, and seeing Your heavenly touch,
Yet to wake up in the morning to a garden drenched with dew
I’m filled with joy for knowing that I belong to You.
Whilst standing on the corner of a busy, bustling street
and watching all the people rushing by on hurried feet;
I see so many people and not one who’s quite the same,
All made by You, and known by You, yes, everyone by name.
Each time I look at a baby, all dimpled, and pink, and new,
I’m reminded by its perfection, that it was made by You,
And even then the miracle and wonder of its birth
brings back to me the fact that this is how You came to earth.
I believe the Holy Bible is Your complete, precious, Word,
I believe You love Your children, that their every prayer is heard,
You weren’t too great to see man’s state – his need of Your salvation,
In spite of all Your majesty, revealed through Your creation.
Used with permission
Harvest Christian Church Port Elizabeth
69. HE KNOWS IT ALL (23)
Lord, You can see when human hearts are breaking
beneath the weight of sin, despair and pain,
Those lonely lives – those souls who’re sick with aching
for purpose, love, and hope to start again.
When all around seems dark with gloom and sorrow
With misery, and suffering, want and need,
When people feel they cannot face tomorrow
And from their hopeless state long to be freed.
You had a lonely road to walk on too, O Lord,
You breathed the air we breathe, felt weary too;
You came to save and not to gain reward,
And people scoffed and mocked, and turned their backs on You.
You felt the hurt and pain of being rejected
You met with trials, disappointments, fears,
And though Your faith in God was not affected
At times You too shed very bitter tears.
Each person has a different need, that’s true,
And has those times of feeling so alone,
And yet You see what they are going through
For all their problems You’ve already known.
No persons’ needs exceed the needs You’ve known,
No human being can ever suffer more,
No-one can be so utterly alone
Or have to bear just what it was You bore.
O Lord, whenever life becomes too much
And pressure mounts, and leads souls to despair;
Remind Your children everywhere by Your loving touch
that You endured their human pains to show them that You care.
So Lord, wherever human hearts are breaking
Where human minds are ravaged, sick with fear,
Give them that peace which eases all the aching,
And the comfort of Your Presence, always near.
Used with permission
Harvest Christian Church Port Elizabeth
Harvest is a member of the COTN Churches international
73. YIELDED (23)
Not my way, dear Master, it would only lead astray,
Give me faith to trust You, and to follow and obey,
It’s never very easy to depend on You alone,
When often I am tempted to go it on my own.
I do not know the future and just what for me is planned,
The way You seem to want me go I do not understand,
Things seem to be so muddled and the path so steep and rough,
But Your presence there to guide me is really quite enough.
I cannot see the harm my hopes and plans and dreams would do,
They seem so sane and normal, yet are not met by You,
For though You’ve heard my many prayers, and seen each tear I’ve shed,
You’ve answered “No” because, being God, You know what lies ahead.
You’ll never let Your children go through more than they can take,
And things that happen in their lives aren’t merely a mistake,
Your plans for every moment of each day are very wise
although they may seem pointless when seen through human eyes.
The hardest words to say must be – “Not my will, Lord, but Yours”
For when I say this, You begin to close so many doors,
Doors which I’d been hoping would be opened wide for me,
And the reason for their closing is quite a mystery.
You’ll never ever close all doors and leave Your child locked out,
You’ll open other doors for me, I know this without doubt,
I make a mess each time I turn my back and disobey
Forgive me, Lord, for blaming You, when things don’t go my way.
I want to do Your will, O Lord, to You I humbly yield,
And cling to every promise in Your Word, my Light and Shield,
Take my life and break me, then remould me as You please,
Make me pure and loving, keep me humble, on my knees.
Now as I walk along the path You’ve called on me to go,
Be with me every day, please Lord, help me defeat each foe,
Though weak and often failing, and though dark ahead it seems
The door through which You’ll lead me will bring more joy than my dreams.
Used with permission
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