Monday, April 30, 2012
Our British Heritage Daskoppies Outpost Eastern Cape
Quote: "Rosmead Junction during the Anglo Boer War, View from outpost (now known as “Daskoppies”) February 1902"
Photo source:
Photo source:
Our British Heritage 4th Dragoon Gaurds Eastern Cape
The 4th Dragoon Guards, Grootfontein Middelburg Cape Colony – 1903 to 1910
Picture source:
Photo has been workshopped
Picture source:
Photo has been workshopped
Middleburg Cemetery Eastern Cape War Heroes
C. Squadron 16th. Musselburgh, Scotland.
Pte. B. Stevenson.
Pte. WCB Pank.
Cpl. Robert Cence.
William Storey.
Pte. F Geary.
Pte. John William Roberts.
Pte. Charles Turner.
Henry James Peard.
Pte. Sydney Brockwell.
Pte. C Fowell.
Pte. W Steers.
Cpl. J Clegg.
Harry Thomas Charters.
Pte. William Reader.
CH Umfreville.
Pte. Charles Turner.
Sapper J Maguire.
Pte. Michael Cummins.
Pte. Mark Leonard
JESUS Heals Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Miraculously healed after 15 years
By Andre Viljoen on March 5, 2011 7:58 pm
Three years ago a medical specialist told a young Port Elizabeth woman she risked collapsing and slipping into a coma if she stopped taking her epilepsy medication. At the same time a gynaecologist told her she would never have children.

Danielle Horne (right) with her husband Nick, and sons Christian (2) and Caleb (12 weeks)
Danielle Horne chose to stop her medication. And today she is well and is the mother of two healthy little boys. She gives God the credit for her remarkable healing. This is her story.
“As a young girl of five or six I used to wake up screaming at night and often wet my bed. Doctors could not tell what was wrong with me. In later tests they found a cyst on my brain”
She said she suffered periodic epileptic seizures as a child. The problem intensified as she grew older and faced more pressures in life. It got so bad that she had a blackout while driving in peak traffic and narrowly averted an accident by pulling off the road as she felt the attack coming on. Her doctor said she should surrender her driver’s licence and stop working, as it was too stressful for her.
Surgical removal of the cyst was not an option as it would be too risky. A Port Elizabeth neurologist recommended that she should go to the Constantiaberg Medi Clinic in Cape Town to see a specialist epileptologist. She accepted the doctor’s advice but there was a six months waiting list for admission to the clinic.
Around this time Danielle fell in love with Nick Horne and they were engaged. Although she had been a Christian for years, Danielle had never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. “Once Nick said to me that he loved Jeus and this was one of the things that attracted me to him. I had been to many Christian camps as a child and people had prayed for me to be healed but nothing had happened. So my faith was low. But Nick said he felt that the Lord would heal me.”
After they prayed I felt fire in my brain and the fire flooded my veins and I fell to the floor.
The couple joined Oxygen Life church in PE. Danielle said she began to experience a personal relationship with Jesus at this time but her health deteriorated. She had constant migraines, and epileptic auras and seizures on a daily basis. Two months after joining the church she had a particularly bad seizure and had not wanted to attend an evening prayer meeting. But Nick persuaded her to attend and after the meeting one of the church leaders said he believed God wanted to do some work with her that night.
“My faith level was low but I agreed to allow a group of leaders to pray with me. When they started to pray I felt fire in my brain and the fire flooded my veins and I fell to the floor. I could just remember one of the elders saying ‘miraculous healing’ before I lost awareness. When I woke up I felt that God was telling me to read Luke Chapter 8, verse 48. I did not know what was in that verse but I called for a Bible so that I could look it up. The verse said: ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you.’
“I knew I was healed. I have also realised that if I had been healed as a child I would never have been able to give the glory to Jesus as I do now,” said Danielle.
She said she told her Port Elizabeth neurologist that she was healed but he did not believe her and said she would be playing with fire if she went off her medication and did not keep her appointment to attend the clinic in Cape Town.
Three months later she went to the clinic. She had suffered no ill health in that period. She was discouraged by initial tests at the clinic which showed that the right side of her brain was under-developed but she realised that this was because it had never developed during her childhood years as a result of her illness.
She told doctors at the clinic that she believed she was healed but they said she should undergo their procedures. She was taken off the heavy medication and subjected to round-the-clock monitoring by video, electroencephalograph (EEG) and various sensors. She had terrible headaches during this time but to the surprise of her doctor she had no seizures.
The epileptologist told her, however, that by not later than three days of stopping her medication she would experience seizures.
“I said I am not going to have any seizures. And when the third day came and I had not had any seizures I said he should read my EEG chart. He said: ‘Let’s wait until day five’.”
On the evening of the fifth day when the doctor checked her EEG chart he said it was normal and that it was as if her chart and the chart that had been sent to her by her PE neurologist were from two different people. However, he said it would not be advisable for her to stop taking her medication because if she did, she would have a series of seizures culiminating in an epileptic coma.
“I knew I had been healed by God but this was a curved ball as it shook my faith. But then I received an sms from a church friend who said she had heard a message preached about living by faith and not by sight and that she was sure that message was for me. I knew that was the answer to my prayer and I knew what I had to do.”
Danielle said when she told her doctor she would stop taking her medication he wrote a prescription for some pills that he said she should keep close at hand wherever she went for the rest of her life in case she had a seizure and went into a coma. She said she never got the pills and she has not had any seizures or any of the other symptoms that plagued her before she was miraculously healed.
She returned to PE and saw a gynaecologist because she had been diagnosed with stage four endometriosis. She told the doctor she was about to get married and she and her husband hoped to have a “honeymoon baby”. The gynaecologist said she would never have children.
“But we had a honeymoon baby. And we now have two healthy sons.”
Danielle runs a thriving beautician business and Nick runs a business agency. She rejoices in the healing that she has received from God and loves to share her testimony. “One time when I shared my testimony in a church in Oudtshoorn a woman was instantly healed and had no further need for her crutches.”
By Andre Viljoen on March 5, 2011 7:58 pm
Three years ago a medical specialist told a young Port Elizabeth woman she risked collapsing and slipping into a coma if she stopped taking her epilepsy medication. At the same time a gynaecologist told her she would never have children.

Danielle Horne (right) with her husband Nick, and sons Christian (2) and Caleb (12 weeks)
Danielle Horne chose to stop her medication. And today she is well and is the mother of two healthy little boys. She gives God the credit for her remarkable healing. This is her story.
“As a young girl of five or six I used to wake up screaming at night and often wet my bed. Doctors could not tell what was wrong with me. In later tests they found a cyst on my brain”
She said she suffered periodic epileptic seizures as a child. The problem intensified as she grew older and faced more pressures in life. It got so bad that she had a blackout while driving in peak traffic and narrowly averted an accident by pulling off the road as she felt the attack coming on. Her doctor said she should surrender her driver’s licence and stop working, as it was too stressful for her.
Surgical removal of the cyst was not an option as it would be too risky. A Port Elizabeth neurologist recommended that she should go to the Constantiaberg Medi Clinic in Cape Town to see a specialist epileptologist. She accepted the doctor’s advice but there was a six months waiting list for admission to the clinic.
Around this time Danielle fell in love with Nick Horne and they were engaged. Although she had been a Christian for years, Danielle had never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. “Once Nick said to me that he loved Jeus and this was one of the things that attracted me to him. I had been to many Christian camps as a child and people had prayed for me to be healed but nothing had happened. So my faith was low. But Nick said he felt that the Lord would heal me.”
After they prayed I felt fire in my brain and the fire flooded my veins and I fell to the floor.
The couple joined Oxygen Life church in PE. Danielle said she began to experience a personal relationship with Jesus at this time but her health deteriorated. She had constant migraines, and epileptic auras and seizures on a daily basis. Two months after joining the church she had a particularly bad seizure and had not wanted to attend an evening prayer meeting. But Nick persuaded her to attend and after the meeting one of the church leaders said he believed God wanted to do some work with her that night.
“My faith level was low but I agreed to allow a group of leaders to pray with me. When they started to pray I felt fire in my brain and the fire flooded my veins and I fell to the floor. I could just remember one of the elders saying ‘miraculous healing’ before I lost awareness. When I woke up I felt that God was telling me to read Luke Chapter 8, verse 48. I did not know what was in that verse but I called for a Bible so that I could look it up. The verse said: ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you.’
“I knew I was healed. I have also realised that if I had been healed as a child I would never have been able to give the glory to Jesus as I do now,” said Danielle.
She said she told her Port Elizabeth neurologist that she was healed but he did not believe her and said she would be playing with fire if she went off her medication and did not keep her appointment to attend the clinic in Cape Town.
Three months later she went to the clinic. She had suffered no ill health in that period. She was discouraged by initial tests at the clinic which showed that the right side of her brain was under-developed but she realised that this was because it had never developed during her childhood years as a result of her illness.
She told doctors at the clinic that she believed she was healed but they said she should undergo their procedures. She was taken off the heavy medication and subjected to round-the-clock monitoring by video, electroencephalograph (EEG) and various sensors. She had terrible headaches during this time but to the surprise of her doctor she had no seizures.
The epileptologist told her, however, that by not later than three days of stopping her medication she would experience seizures.
“I said I am not going to have any seizures. And when the third day came and I had not had any seizures I said he should read my EEG chart. He said: ‘Let’s wait until day five’.”
On the evening of the fifth day when the doctor checked her EEG chart he said it was normal and that it was as if her chart and the chart that had been sent to her by her PE neurologist were from two different people. However, he said it would not be advisable for her to stop taking her medication because if she did, she would have a series of seizures culiminating in an epileptic coma.
“I knew I had been healed by God but this was a curved ball as it shook my faith. But then I received an sms from a church friend who said she had heard a message preached about living by faith and not by sight and that she was sure that message was for me. I knew that was the answer to my prayer and I knew what I had to do.”
Danielle said when she told her doctor she would stop taking her medication he wrote a prescription for some pills that he said she should keep close at hand wherever she went for the rest of her life in case she had a seizure and went into a coma. She said she never got the pills and she has not had any seizures or any of the other symptoms that plagued her before she was miraculously healed.
She returned to PE and saw a gynaecologist because she had been diagnosed with stage four endometriosis. She told the doctor she was about to get married and she and her husband hoped to have a “honeymoon baby”. The gynaecologist said she would never have children.
“But we had a honeymoon baby. And we now have two healthy sons.”
Danielle runs a thriving beautician business and Nick runs a business agency. She rejoices in the healing that she has received from God and loves to share her testimony. “One time when I shared my testimony in a church in Oudtshoorn a woman was instantly healed and had no further need for her crutches.”
Sunday, April 29, 2012
From: Dave Wesley
Subject: Re: [ZA-EC] Missionaries of the United Free [Presbyterian] Churchof Scotland who served in South Africa between 1900-1929
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 06:40:54 +0200
On 5/14/09, Ian van Zylwrote:
> For anyone looking for missionaries here is a list I have transcribed
> Veronica
> Canada
> Missionaries of the United Free [Presbyterian] Church of Scotland who served
in South Africa between 1900-1929
> Auld, James Mcdonald b.1848 Glasgow -
> Auld, William b.1877 Emgwali mission, Kaffraria South Africa
> Beal, Edward [n.d.]
> Bruce, John b.1855-Kilrenny Mill, Anstruther, Scotland
> Coventry, Harry Booth b.1877 Birkenhead Scotland.
> Cowan, Archibald Fergus
> Dalzell, James b.1841 Lesmahagow d. 1901
> Davidson, James 1827, Dundee, d. 1907 Cofimvaba
> Davidson, James Allan b.1877 Dundee
> Dewar, James b.1863 Aberdeen
> Dewar, John [n.d] Airth
> Erskine, Dundas Logan b.1855 Shotts, d. 1922 Pirie, South Africa
> Ewen, William [n.d.]
> Gavin, William b.1871 Stirling, Angus
> Girdwood, William, b.1838 Penicuick, Scotland
> Godfrey, Robert b.1872 Edinburgh, scot
> Henderson, James b.1867 Dunn Watten Caithness d. 1920 Lovedale
> Hunter, Peter Langwill b.1862 Campbeltown
> Keith-Murray, Henry Edmund Colquhoun [N.d.] d. 1922
> Kingon, John Robert Lewis b.1887 Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, SA
> Lennox, John b.1868 Edinburgh
> Luke, James [n.d.]
> Lundie, John b.1849 Coupar Angus, Scotland d. 1935 Ngqeleni
> Macdonald, Donald b.1882 Cross Ness Lewis d 1914 Impolweni
> McDonald, David Alexander b.1866 Alyth, Scotland.
> Matheson , Dugald Welsh McLeod b.1899 Umtata
> Matheson, Murdo John Clow b.1868 Partick d. 1930 Gordon Memorial Mission
> Moir, Eilliam John Bonar 1 b.846 Aberdeen d. 1904 [Blythswood?]
> Moodie, William Ritchie b.1860 Monikie, Scotland d. 1926 Gordon Memorial
> Mission
> Mure, Robert b.1872 Glasgow,
> Ross, Brownlee John b.1865 Alice, Cape Colony
> Scott, James 1843-1930 Peterhead d. 1930 [Pieter]Maritzburg
> Semple, Duncan Wilkieson b.1885 Rhonadale, Carradale
> Shearer, Thomas b.1845 Edinburgh, d. 1909 [Edinburgh]
> Shepherd, Robert Henry Wishart, b.1888 Invergowrie,
> Soga, John Henderson b.1860 Emgwali mission
> Soga, William Anderson, b.1858 Peelton, Kaffraria, d. 1916 [Miller
> Mission?]
> Stewart. George Shaw [n.d.]
> Stewart, James b.1831 Edinburgh d. 1905 Lovedale
> Stirling, John Wightman b.1855 Balagan, Bonhill d. 1925
> Stormont, Davis Duncan b.1862 Arbroath, Angus, d. 1931
> Stuart, William b.1854 [n place] d. 1930
> Thomson, John b.1856 Dunbartonshire d. 1932 East London, South Africa.
> Welsh, Alexander b.1851 New Cumnock, d. 1925 Johannesburg
> Young, David Doig b.1848, Liverpool, England. d. 1916 Calla, Cape.
> Source: Fasti of the United Free Church of Scotland 1900-1929. Editor Rev
> John Alexander Laws. Oliver & Boyd; Edinburgh. 1956
Subject: Re: [ZA-EC] Missionaries of the United Free [Presbyterian] Churchof Scotland who served in South Africa between 1900-1929
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 06:40:54 +0200
On 5/14/09, Ian van Zyl
> For anyone looking for missionaries here is a list I have transcribed
> Veronica
> Canada
> Missionaries of the United Free [Presbyterian] Church of Scotland who served
in South Africa between 1900-1929
> Auld, James Mcdonald b.1848 Glasgow -
> Auld, William b.1877 Emgwali mission, Kaffraria South Africa
> Beal, Edward [n.d.]
> Bruce, John b.1855-Kilrenny Mill, Anstruther, Scotland
> Coventry, Harry Booth b.1877 Birkenhead Scotland.
> Cowan, Archibald Fergus
> Dalzell, James b.1841 Lesmahagow d. 1901
> Davidson, James 1827, Dundee, d. 1907 Cofimvaba
> Davidson, James Allan b.1877 Dundee
> Dewar, James b.1863 Aberdeen
> Dewar, John [n.d] Airth
> Erskine, Dundas Logan b.1855 Shotts, d. 1922 Pirie, South Africa
> Ewen, William [n.d.]
> Gavin, William b.1871 Stirling, Angus
> Girdwood, William, b.1838 Penicuick, Scotland
> Godfrey, Robert b.1872 Edinburgh, scot
> Henderson, James b.1867 Dunn Watten Caithness d. 1920 Lovedale
> Hunter, Peter Langwill b.1862 Campbeltown
> Keith-Murray, Henry Edmund Colquhoun [N.d.] d. 1922
> Kingon, John Robert Lewis b.1887 Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, SA
> Lennox, John b.1868 Edinburgh
> Luke, James [n.d.]
> Lundie, John b.1849 Coupar Angus, Scotland d. 1935 Ngqeleni
> Macdonald, Donald b.1882 Cross Ness Lewis d 1914 Impolweni
> McDonald, David Alexander b.1866 Alyth, Scotland.
> Matheson , Dugald Welsh McLeod b.1899 Umtata
> Matheson, Murdo John Clow b.1868 Partick d. 1930 Gordon Memorial Mission
> Moir, Eilliam John Bonar 1 b.846 Aberdeen d. 1904 [Blythswood?]
> Moodie, William Ritchie b.1860 Monikie, Scotland d. 1926 Gordon Memorial
> Mission
> Mure, Robert b.1872 Glasgow,
> Ross, Brownlee John b.1865 Alice, Cape Colony
> Scott, James 1843-1930 Peterhead d. 1930 [Pieter]Maritzburg
> Semple, Duncan Wilkieson b.1885 Rhonadale, Carradale
> Shearer, Thomas b.1845 Edinburgh, d. 1909 [Edinburgh]
> Shepherd, Robert Henry Wishart, b.1888 Invergowrie,
> Soga, John Henderson b.1860 Emgwali mission
> Soga, William Anderson, b.1858 Peelton, Kaffraria, d. 1916 [Miller
> Mission?]
> Stewart. George Shaw [n.d.]
> Stewart, James b.1831 Edinburgh d. 1905 Lovedale
> Stirling, John Wightman b.1855 Balagan, Bonhill d. 1925
> Stormont, Davis Duncan b.1862 Arbroath, Angus, d. 1931
> Stuart, William b.1854 [n place] d. 1930
> Thomson, John b.1856 Dunbartonshire d. 1932 East London, South Africa.
> Welsh, Alexander b.1851 New Cumnock, d. 1925 Johannesburg
> Young, David Doig b.1848, Liverpool, England. d. 1916 Calla, Cape.
> Source: Fasti of the United Free Church of Scotland 1900-1929. Editor Rev
> John Alexander Laws. Oliver & Boyd; Edinburgh. 1956
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
More than a Feeling - Irish Child - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
The Harbinger - Rabbi Cahn, Full Version
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
HM Queen Victoria’s Troops Chocolates Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

Picture source:
These chocolates were sent to the War Front for our troops during the Anglo Boer War. They were meant to bring comfort and to let our troops know that HM Queen Victoria was thinking of their welfare and that they were being prayed for at home. About 40 000 chocolate packages were produced by Cadbury, fry and Rowntree for the War Front.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
For The Fallen - Hayley Westenra - Festival of Remembrance 2010
In the presence of Her Majesty The Queen, Hayley Westenra ヘイリー 海莉 sings the World Premiere of the hymn "For The Fallen" composed by Karl Jenkins, at The Festival of Remembrance. The reading is by Bernard Cribbins. The performance took place on November 13th 2010 at the Royal Albert Hall in London and was broadcast on BBC 1 TV and BBC1 HD the same day.
Here is a transcript of the introduction to the performance by BBC announcer Huw Edwards:
"In the final year of the Second World War, a young airman lost his life on a mission over Berlin. It was Pilot Officer Alfryn Jenkins, whose nephew is the eminent composer Karl Jenkins.
For this year's Festival Karl Jenkins has composed a new musical setting for Binyon's timeless words, For The Fallen; it is dedicated to his uncle's memory.
As we prepare to lay the Altar of Drums, can we please give a warm welcome to Hayley Westenra and to Bernard Cribbins, thank you."
Here are the words, by the English poet Laurence Binyon (1869-1943), as performed on this occasion:
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them...
This song by Hayley Westenra appears on the CD "The Armed Man - A Mass For Peace - Anniversary Edition" (2010) by Karl Jenkins. It can be purchased from iTunes and all good music sellers.
Coldstream Gaurds 1901-1902 Eastern Cape
Mayor of PE 1960 Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Our Aviation History Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Steam Trains PE Era Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Testimony of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen
Gianna Jessen
Testimony of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen before the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on April 22, 1996.
My name is Gianna Jessen. I am originally from California, but now reside in Franklin, Tennessee. I am adopted. I have cerebral palsy. My biological mother was 17 years old and seven and one-half months pregnant when she made the decision to have a saline abortion. I am the person she aborted. I lived instead of died.
Fortunately for me the abortionist was not in the clinic when I arrived alive, instead of dead, at 6:00 a.m. on the morning of April 6, 1977. I was early, my death was not expected to be seen until about 9 a.m., when he would probably be arriving for his office hours. I am sure I would not be here today if the abortionist would have been in the clinic as his job is to take life, not sustain it. Some have said I am a "botched abortion", a result of a job not well done.
There were many witnesses to my entry into this world. My biological mother and other young girls in the clinic, who also awaited the death of their babies, were the first to greet me. I am told this was a hysterical moment. Next was a staff nurse who apparently called emergency medical services and had me transferred to a hospital.
I remained in the hospital for almost three months. There was not much hope for me in the beginning. I weighed only two pounds. Today, babies smaller than I was have survived.
A doctor once said I had a great will to live and that I fought for my life. I eventually was able to leave the hospital and be placed in foster care. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of the abortion.
My foster mother was told that it was doubtful that I would ever crawl or walk. I could not sit up independently. Through the prayers and dedication of my foster mother, and later many other people, I eventually learned to sit up, crawl, then stand. I walked with leg braces and a walker shortly before I turned age four. I was legally adopted by my foster mother's daughter, Diana De Paul, a few months after I began to walk. The Department of Social Services would not release me any earlier for adoption.
I have continued in physical therapy for my disability, and after a total of four surgeries, I can now walk without assistance. It is not always easy. Sometimes I fall, but I have learned how to fall gracefully after falling 19 years.
I am happy to be alive. I almost died. Every day I thank God for life. I do not consider myself a by-product of conception, a clump of tissue, or any other of the titles given to a child in the womb. I do not consider any person conceived to be any of those things.
I have met other survivors of abortion. They are all thankful for life. Only a few months ago I met another saline abortion survivor. Her name is Sarah. She is two years old. Sarah also has cerebral palsy, but her diagnosis is not good. She is blind and has severe seizures. The abortionist, besides injecting the mother with saline, also injects the baby victims. Sarah was injected in the head. I saw the place on her head where this was done. When I speak, I speak not only for myself, but for the other survivors, like Sarah, and also for those who cannot yet speak ...
Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. A baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at two, three, four months. Why is that? I see no difference. What are you seeing? Many close there eyes...
The best thing I can show you to defend life is my life. It has been a great gift. Killing is not the answer to any question or situation. Show me how it is the answer.
There is a quote which is etched into the high ceilings of one of our state's capitol buildings. The quote says, "Whatever is morally wrong, is not politically correct." Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future.
All life is valuable. All life is a gift from our Creator. We must receive and cherish the gifts we are given. We must honor the right to life.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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