Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Foreign Tourists to South Africa Beware! (Colour Frame 18) - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Colour Frame 18
Foreign Tourists beware!
Victims of Racial Crimes
First Row
https://kemptonexpress.co.za/ Belinda Huyzers (SHOT DEAD)
https://ewn.co.za/ Yolandi Botes (Dismembered body)
https://kormorant.co.za/ Michelle Mckenzie (SHOT)
https://www.timeslive.co.za/ Riëtte van der Merwe (SHOT in the Head)
https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/ Helen Fanourakis (SHOT DEAD)
Second Row
https://southafricatoday.net/ Anish and Joey (RAPED< MURDERED and BURNT)
https://southafricatoday.net/ Anish and Joey (RAPED< MURDERED and BURNT)
https://www.thesouthafrican.com/ Priscilla du Toit (BLUDGEONED to DEATH)
https://www.thesouthafrican.com/ Sylvia Wittal (MISSING)
https://www.timeslive.co.za/ Tina Ivanov (Husband DISMEMBERED)
Third Row
https://www.bbc.com/ Christine Solik (MURDERED)
https://www.news.com.au/ Vivienne Taberer (Husband STABBED to DEATH)
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/ Ella Willemse (MURDERED)
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/ Monica Deniacos (Bludgeoned to DEATH)
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/ Gesina Bruwer (HACKED to DEATH)
Fourth Row
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/ Corrienne Tesner (STABBED to DEATH)
New24.com Brody Lee Bezuidenhout (Dies after being turned away from public hospital)
https://www.timeslive.co.za/ Rene van Zyl (ATTACKED, Husband MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Beth Bucher (Partner MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Rali de Villiers (Throat Slit)
Fifth Row
Censorbugbear report Hennie van der Schyff (MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Owen Mason (Husband SHOT DEAD)
Censorbugbear report Heidi Foltin (MURDERED, Husband also MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Helena Loubser (Husband SHOT DEAD)
Censorbugbear report Susan Nel (SHOT DEAD)
Sixth Row
Censorbugbear report Amaro Viana (Forced into BATH of BOILING WATER)
Censorbugbear report Elise du Preez (MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Tanya Botha (Mother and Father MURDERED)
Censorbugbear report Prof. Max Braun (SHOT)
http://lh4.ggpht.com/ Elsie Els (HACKED to DEATH)
Seventh Row
Censorbugbear report Adele Gross (Child observes man being GUNNED DOWN)
http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/ Elsa van Bommel (ATTACKED)
https://www.channel4.com/ Lettie Nel (ATTACKED)
https://nolstuijt.files.wordpress.com/ Doris de Jager (SHOT DEAD)
Almarie Verskaf (Husband STABBED Multiple times)
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Foreign Tourists to South Africa Beware! (Colour Frame 17) - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Colour Frame 17
Foreign Tourists beware!
Victims of Racial Crimes
First Row
Beeld Shareen Swart (ATTACKED AND ROBBED)
http://home.iprimus.com.au Caroline Du Chemin (Viscount Disasters MURDERED)
http://home.iprimus.com.au Hostess Kathryn Creigh Smith (Viscount Disasters MURDERED)
The Star newspaper Mz Giles (Husband STABBED TO DEATH)
http://home.iprimus.com.au Tracey Cole (Survived the Viscount disaster)
Second Row
The Star Chezni Rose (Victim of Racial outburst and threats)
www.southafricasucks.blogspot.com Suzanne Weide (SHOT)
www.crimexposouthafrica.net Rita du Plessis (ATTACKED)
www.southafricasucks.blogspot.com Liliane Smith (ATTACKED)
Naweek Beeld Louise Hulley - Miller (SHOT)
Third Row
Rapport MZ Hart (Hi jacking and ATTACKED)
Naweek Beeld Lynne Rothschild (Victim of 5 ARMED ATTACKS)
www.southafricasucks.blogspot.com Barbara Hiscock (Son SHOT DEAD)
The Citizen Natasha Loring (ATTACKED)
Rapport Jolene Jardine (Reports MANHANDLING AND SEXUAL ASSAULT by Metro Police)
Fourth Row
You Magazine Mother Mz Oosthuizen (SHOT, & child 5 SHOT DEAD)
The Citizen Sonia van der Merwe (Family members TORTURED AND MURDERED)
Naweek Beeld Theana Furstenburg (Husband SHOT)
Beeld Teresa van Zyl (SHOT)
Beeld The Booysen children (ATTACKED)
Fifth Row
The Citizen newspaper Thia Schubbe (Husband SHOT DEAD)
Stopboergenocide The Van Rooyen child (2) (DIED after being SHOT)
Beeld Jaqui Sutherland (SHOT in a hijacking)
Beeld Gerda Helmand (Husband SHOT DEAD)
Beeld Mrs Snyman (Daughter SHOT DEAD)
Sixth Row
Rapport Lee van der Merwe (5) (BEATEN, HIT IN THE FACE)
Beeld Mrs Tina Cockrell (HIT IN THE FACE numerous times)
Beeld Mrs Susan Bristow (MURDERED)
Beeld Cherish Kohne (13) (SHOT)
Reporter AndyStuijt1 Sonja Richardson (Armed ATTACK)
Seventh Row
Beeld Mrs Tinkie Botha (STABBED TO DEATH)
Beeld Mrs Marinda Bloem and her mother (TRAUMATISED in ARMED ATTACK)
Beeld Sonja Pienaar (Survives SHOOTING)
Beeld Megan Gibson (3) (Survives ARMED ATTACK)
The Star Hester Mende (Husband MURDERED)
Friday, May 26, 2023
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Friday, May 19, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
'You cannot become something you already are'. (See scripture) - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Liberation theology says that All men are inherently good, thus the fall of man was upward, we are all men redeemed. Therefore 'we are ALL children of god'! However GOD says in his WORD that ALL men are inherently evil, so the fall of man was downward, thus we are irredeemable because of inherited Original SIN. The verse speaks to us how we BECOME the children of GOD.
Monday, May 15, 2023
Foreign Tourists to South Africa Beware! (Colour Frame 16) - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Colour Frame 16
Foreign Tourists beware!
Victims of Racial Crimes
First Row Left to right
thesouthafrican.com Anet Coetzee (SHOT in Face)
thesouthafrican.com name withheld (85 yr old woman tortured with blowtorch)
thesouthafrican.com Cherize Smuts (Parents and Grand Parents Murdered)
timeslive.co.za Estelle Buchner's (Husband Murdered)
sapeople.com Breggie Brand (Murdered, Husband also killed)
Second Row Left to right
Dispatch Online Kia Fairhead (11) (ABDUCTED, TORTURED, RAPED)
Dispatch Online Brenda Fairhead (ABDUCTED, TORTURED, RAPED)
Beeld Jeanie Boshoff (Brother Stabbed to Death)
Angels Against Crime Mrs Sutton (Husband Murdered)
Angels Against Crime Mrs Sutton (Father Murdered)
Third Row Left to right
Beeld Jo-Marie Gouws (Brother SHOT DEAD)
Change.org Melanie Uys (STABBED in hands and chest)
Farm murders facebook name witheld (TORTURED)
https://www.facebook.com/plaasmoordesa/posts/d41d8cd9/10155009331538316/ facebook.com Anna-Marie Botha (Murdered)
https://www.facebook.com/plaasmoordesa/posts/d41d8cd9/10155009331538316/ facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
Fourth Row Left to right
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten) https://www.facebook.com/plaasmoordesa/posts/d41d8cd9/10155009331538316/
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
Fifth Row Left to right
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
Sixth Row Left to right
facebook.com name witheld (Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
facebook.com name witheld (Tortured/Beaten)
Seventh Row Left to right
vdare.com Mrs Muller (Attacked Critically Injured/ Husband SHOT DEAD)
nolstuijt.wordpress.com Mariette Nel (Shot in Face)
nolstuijt.wordpress.com Margot Ludick (GANG RAPED)
nolstuijt.wordpress.com Anna Jocoba Myburgh (TORTURED with hot Iron , dies of injuries
nolstuijt.wordpress.com Elsabe du Preez (TORTURED with hot Iron , dies of injuries
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
'At Calvary' (Collingsworth family) _ Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Verse: Colossians 3:15 Amplified Bible
‘Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise].’
- The peace of God should be a powerful force in our lives.
- If we do not have peace about something, we should not proceed.
- His peace in our hearts should be the deciding factor.
- Let His peace guide all your decisions and choices.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your peace that comes to settle and confirm all aspects of my life. May I never operate outside of this peace and may Your peace lead and safely guide me. Amen.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Union Congregational Church - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
‘Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.’
- In God you have an everlasting hope and therefore you can rejoice.
- Just knowing that God is with you gives you reason to be joyful.
- Even in the struggles we can still be confident in HIM.
- Hold onto hope, don’t give up in tough times, and remember to pray.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the hope that You bring into my life even when I am facing challenging times. May I never let go of the hope I have in You and may I have the boldness to bring my requests to You in prayer. Amen.
PE - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
Verse: Hebrews 10:36
‘Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.’
- Whatever you are facing today, don’t give up and keep doing God’s will.
- Now is the time for ‘stickability’ and patient endurance.
- The Lord has not forgotten about you and His promises to you.
- He will be faithful to you as you continue to do your part and trust Him.
Prayer: Lord, help me to demonstrate my trust in You by being patient and persistent as I follow and obey You. I look forward to the fulfilment of all that You have promised and I will continue to do what You tell me to do. Amen.
Ambulance Trophy SOE Winning Team PE Aug 1954 - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth
J.Strickland, A.Penny, W.Diggery
Picture source: Wiki
Back Row
P. Diggery (Patient)
Middle Row
P.Bingle, D.Hornigold, M.Kean
Front Row