THE STAR 08 December 2005 Picture by Brenton Geach page 22
Tony Leon, Leader of the Democratic Alliance, displays 22486 new panties as an inditement against the mass rape and resultant AIDS infection of tens of thousands of children in South Africa annually. The 22486 represents only the known children raped, but the actual figure may realistically be nearly three times that number per annum. Hundreds of people attending the meeting stole the activist backdrops in a lazzaire-faire attitude to the seriousness of these crimes.
There is a joke about people who try to find the solution to the AIDS problem in science as Dr. James Dobson pointed out in one of his instructional Videos on sexuality to young people. What do you call someone who uses a condom? Answer: A parent! AIDS is no joke and the point made here is that no matter how the issue concerning condom usage is punted the use of these tools of science cannot eradicate infections through rape and social sex other than slowing down rates of disease. Another serious issue is the way they sexually scrub themselves using baby infants in the ludicrous belief they can cleanse themselves of their AIDS infection. Look after offspring if you come here as a visitor!
Did you know
Nearly all the of rapes of babies, infants and children "to get rid of AIDS" are committed by South Africa's black community?
WARNING: If your visiting South Africa watch your children and WATCH YOUR BACK!