My prayer for you is, day by day
You’ll keep on in the narrow way,
And may our dear Lord guide and bless
your paths with every happiness.
For all the years that I have known
the two of you, you’ve always shown
just what it means to live a life
wholly true and free from strife.
If I had searched the whole world round
No better parents I’d have found
No finer example has been made
No greater love and faith portrayed.
There never was a time at all
that I ever saw you fall,
You let your love for God shine through,
so that everybody knew.
All you ever strove to do
You did for Christ, for others too,
And when, sometimes, the way seemed hard,
You never took your eyes from God.
Dad, even when you reached the top,
And made your mark, you didn’t stop;
Your great big heart stood every test,
For patiently you gave your best.
And Mom, in your own quiet way,
You kept our home from day to day;
Such tender moments we could share,
When needed, you were always there.
Many things you showed to me,
-Understanding, honesty;
But the greatest gift you ever gave
was to lead me to the Lord I love.
You built our home unselfishly,
and every precious memory
will linger in my heart each year,
of loving parents – both so dear.
May you continue to love one another,
And, should I ever become a mother,
I pray that I would endeavour to be
the blessing to others that you’ve been to me.