Saturday, February 5, 2011

In Memory of my Wonderful Granny (22) Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

How hard it was to say goodbye to her, who’d been so near,
Especially as the parting was from one who’d been so dear;
And yet, when we think back upon her life – her pleasant ways,
The many happy memories wipe out those bitter days.

So kind she was in all she did – so tender, patient, good,
She always took time to listen and she always understood,
Her family meant so much to her, she gave us all she had
She stood by us through thick and thin, when life was good or bad.

Often working in her kitchen, baking biscuits, cakes and flans,
Often digging in her garden, always busy with her hands’
Her crochet work, something she did so well for many years,
Making pretty doilies, clowns and little teddy bears.

One thing she always loved to do was going to bazaars,
To purchase little odds and ends – a plate – some wool – a vase,
She always read her `William’ books – then laughed ‘til she grew weak,
And no one ever heard the joke – she simply couldn’t speak!

Oh, how sudden she was stricken, and so terrible the pain,
She tried so hard to bear it all and never to complain;
She bravely struggled every day to walk, yet was denied
And knew no rest from anguish until the day she died.

We do not understand God’s plans, nor dare to ask Him why
Although, to us, it seems so cruel, the way she had to die,
She never harmed a single soul; she always did her best
She loved so much, and was loved much, until laid down to rest.

Though time has passed, we miss her much, and find it hard to believe
She’s really gone and left us – at times we do still grieve;
Yet no longer is she suffering – she’s free from all her pain,
And we are sure that one day soon, we’ll meet with her again.

Transcribed with Permission