Monday, July 4, 2022

Historic 1820 Settlers Cemetery in St. George's Park, Trashed, Overgrown, Destroyed - 'Everything you touch turns to Garbage' - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

Picture source: HeraldLIVE St George's Park to be turned into an African Heritage site Here is your Word for today: Verse: Genesis 25:11 ‘After Abraham’s death, God blessed his son Isaac.’ - We seldom associate blessing in the context of loss. - But God can take our losses and turn them into blessings. - We can expect His blessing and favour even in difficult situations. - God can turn any situation around and work it out for our good. PRAYER: Lord, You are the One Who can take a negative situation and turn it into a positive one. I recognise that there is no situation or circumstance that You cannot turn into something good. Work in my life and in my situation, I pray. Amen.