Thursday, April 11, 2024

GOD knows my Name (SJA) - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth


Thank You Lord, with all my heart, that You have died for me,

And You have written down my name for all eternity;

A name unknown within this world - that much is very true;

Though I've not done amazing things - my name is known to You.


The friends I have may let me down and even let me go;

But Your love lasts forever - Your Word has told me so;

Whilst men just honour beauty - the rich - the strong - the wise,

To them belongs the glory - at least in THEIR own eyes!


And though it would be tempting to have my name appear

upon some fancy billboard, and loud applause to hear;

Mankind is very fickle and only cares for fame

which doesn't last forever - they'd soon forget my name.


While few may even know me and I can't seek acclaim,

May I not boast in anything and only praise YOUR Name;

And I would rather have my name remembered, Lord, by You;

Please help me to be faithful in all I say and do.

Copyright SJA