100 Years of Commerce
By Eira Parker
Bowler Print
Minutes of the Chamber of Commerce
Port Elizabeth
Algoa Bay
Preliminary meeting held inthe Offices of Messrs. Fairbridge and Petit, 28 November, 1864.
In the Chair, Joseph Simpson, Esq.
Messrs. C. Andrews, I. Taylor, C.T. Guttery, G. Cohen, etc, etc. (21 names listed, but probably more men at this meeting.)
Proposed byMr.H.B.Christian
Seconded by N.Adler
That Messrs Joseph - Simpson, F.D.Deare, A.Macdonald, H.E.Rutherford, G.Cohen, C.T.Jones and H.B.Christian form an actingcommottee to draw up a proposal for the continuation of a Chamber of commerce, to include rules for its guidance and the amount of Subscription to be submitted at the adjourned meeting to be held on Monday, the 12th December next. That F.S.Fairbridge be requested to act as Honorary Secretary in the interim.