The heavens declare the glory of the LORD
The picture above is one of the marvels of the 20th century. Taken by the “Apollo Mission to the Moon” it is the first glimpse of earth seen free from the constraints of gravity, all thanks to NASA.
This is the view GOD had in mind when He created the cosmos, everything right down to the finest detail; the moon just far enough from earth so that the ocean would wax and wane harmoniously, the earth just far enough from the sun so that the earth would neither freeze or die from excessive over exposure from the radiation from the sun. It is, however, also the microscopic detail in GOD’s plan for the human race, fallen from grace. It is a plan birthed in the mercy of our Creator, “For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal LIFE”. (John 3:16). This eternal LIFE is offered to humanity as a free gift only to those who willingly accept it. The gift of eternal LIFE is made possible in the person JESUS CHRIST as “there is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved…..”
We all know our life is finite: “All men are like the flowers of the field their glory fades and they are gone…”. After this comes the judgment, either to an afterlife ushering in the joy of eternal LIFE in the presence of GOD, or an eternal judgment in Hell which the Bible describes as the second Death, from which there is no escape. Hell is a place of torment, a literal eternal separation from a wonderful awesome GOD. Many reject this truth but it is as real as the law of gravity.
The Bible states that “ALL have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of GOD”. This biblical statement means that every man ever born has sinned against GOD by missing His Holy standard and perfection, the reason for which we will be judged. Man says, “No GOD”, not wanting GOD’s will but His own. This was Adam’s original sin in the Garden of Eden.
A mental picture can be made where Old Testament priests would lay their hands on a goat without spot or blemish to simulate the transference of the sin of Israel onto the sacrificial animal. It would then be chased into the desert to die, and with it the sin of the people. This typology is a forerunner of the Messiah Who would be the ultimate Sacrificial Lamb. JESUS died on a Cross for our Sin, we the guilty - JESUS the Righteous - JESUS the Perfect One – JESUS the Sinless – JESUS without blemish – JESUS our GOD and KING.
GOD LOVES the people of the WORLD so HE made a way for us to escape the coming judgment.
GOD’s WORD is clear:
• All of Humanity has sinned against GOD our FATHER.
• We cannot get to GOD by our own feeble attempts but GOD has come down to us in the form of His Son.
• We have to accept that we are sinners and therefore deserve GOD’s punishment.
• We have to accept GOD’s way of salvation and not some other way, or religious activity.
• JESUS died on the Cross for our sin, but we have to accept His sacrifice for us to be acceptable to our FATHER in heaven.
• We have to confess with our mouth that JESUS is LORD with a contrite heart, giving testimony to the word of our lips.
• We have to turn from our wicked ways.
Say this prayer and mean it with your whole heart:
Thank You FATHER for Your SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank You that HE died for me on the Cross at Calvary, a horrible and unjust death, to give me eternal LIFE. I’m sorry for my SIN and I now turn to follow YOU as an obedient child. Thank You that YOU are a Friend to me, even ONE who sticks closer than a brother. Thank You for LOVING me so much and for YOUR promise that You will be with me till the end of the age.