St. John’s Church Havelock Street Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth History Archive PE Library
As a Christian, after being saved by GOD, I was always fascinated at the colourful personalities and exceptional character of the local church preachers. These are the men and women who came from our communities and who had been honed by GOD over their Christian lifetime to be the face of JESUS to people like me. These are servants of GOD in the true sense who’s lives are sometimes no less remarkable than kings.
One of my favourite times in the Christian community has been to visit other churches where I have enjoyed listening to the exposition of the Word experiencing first hand the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Sometimes getting stuck in one parish can cloud one’s overall experience of GOD’s dynamic kingdom on earth. GOD has called myriads of men and women to start ministries on every corner of the earth; an outreach to sailors such as the harbour missions in Port Elizabeth, ministries to the destitute such as Jerusalem Ministries started from the cosy home of the Walmer suburb, an evangelical foot washing ministry, such as the one started by the Godly man Dave Cape to the cities of the world and many others….., all for the purpose of bringing people into the Kingdom and giving glory to JESUS CHRIST. These “Lights” of the Kingdom, as they are described by John the Apostle, can be likened to the many precious stones we collect as wealth objects. These “Voices of the Kingdom” remind me of Topaz, Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies, Jasper, Amethyst, Beryl….a never ending kaleidoscope of beauty, colour and light emanating from the Word of GOD.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone, a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it” Revelation 2:17