Monday, February 22, 2010

The First Christmas (12) Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

God Who made the world
Was sad to see its sin,
He sent His Son to die for us,
that we might be forgiven.

A dark night many years ago,
Jesus came to earth,
And by His coming, many souls
received a second birth.

Jesus, Holy, Sinless One,
Came to earth to save,
But He was only given
a manger, cross and grave.

The stars were shining brightly
The night was calm and still
The shepherds were all watching
their sheep upon a hill.

Then suddenly an angel
Robed in garments shining bright,
Appeared before the shepherds
and gave them all a fright.

“Fear not!” said the angel
“For my news is great to tell,
Jesus Christ has come to heart
to save you all from hell.”

We only gave Jesus a cross,
We only gave Him a tomb,
Today He wants to enter your heart,
Will you still say that there’s no room?

Reproduced with Permission