Not my way, dear Master, it would only lead astray,
Give me faith to trust You, and to follow and obey,
It’s never very easy to depend on You alone,
When often I am tempted to go it on my own.
I do not know the future and just what for me is planned,
The way You seem to want me go I do not understand,
Things seem to be so muddled and the path so steep and rough,
But Your presence there to guide me is really quite enough.
I cannot see the harm my hopes and plans and dreams would do,
They seem so sane and normal, yet are not met by You,
For though You’ve heard my many prayers, and seen each tear I’ve shed,
You’ve answered “No” because, being God, You know what lies ahead.
You’ll never let Your children go through more than they can take,
And things that happen in their lives aren’t merely a mistake,
Your plans for every moment of each day are very wise
although they may seem pointless when seen through human eyes.
The hardest words to say must be – “Not my will, Lord, but Yours”
For when I say this, You begin to close so many doors,
Doors which I’d been hoping would be opened wide for me,
And the reason for their closing is quite a mystery.
You’ll never ever close all doors and leave Your child locked out,
You’ll open other doors for me, I know this without doubt,
I make a mess each time I turn my back and disobey
Forgive me, Lord, for blaming You, when things don’t go my way.
I want to do Your will, O Lord, to You I humbly yield,
And cling to every promise in Your Word, my Light and Shield,
Take my life and break me, then remould me as You please,
Make me pure and loving, keep me humble, on my knees.
Now as I walk along the path You’ve called on me to go,
Be with me every day, please Lord, help me defeat each foe,
Though weak and often failing, and though dark ahead it seems
The door through which You’ll lead me will bring more joy than my dreams.
Reproduced with permission