You can read all night if that’s what you’d like,
Without considering Jack, John or Mike;
You can hog the whole bed and not have to care
that you’ve got all the blankets, for you don’t have to share.
You can sleep all day when the weekends come,
and don’t have to think of your hubby’s tum,
If you don’t feel like cooking, you can eat jam and bread,
or, if you are hungry, you can eat out instead.
You can wear anything and don’t need consent
from fussy husbands, who may not relent
when they see the outfits you’d like to buy,
and to your pleading, they turn a blind eye.
You can do what you wish, whatever it be,
No matter how crazy, there’s no-one to see
if you tidy your cupboards at twelve every night,
wear curlers to bed, and look quite a sight.
You can go where you like and feel quite free
to visit your friends each evening for tea,
If you feel like a trip to the ‘States, you can go
(providing there’s cash) but he can’t say no.
You can spend what you want on things you may see
to which stingy husbands would never agree;
Your money is yours, to use on yourself,
So these are the “pros” while you sit on the shelf.
Not always a hanky that’s big, clean and dry,
No shoulder to use when you want a good cry;
Nobody near when you need him the most;
Nobody to smile when you burn all the toast.
There’s no-one to tell you how to behave
when you stuff yourself with the food you crave,
On your own you forget yourself and just eat
‘til you’re bloated and bilious and can’t see your feet.
It’s great to have someone buy you a steak,
And to solve all the problems (which sometimes you make!)
For when the time comes when you find that you’re broke,
then a husband can be a wonderful bloke.
Yes, hubbies are handy, I’m sure you’ll agree
for unlocking doors when you’ve lost your key,
For killing the spiders that frighten you so,
And fixing your car that refuses to go.
There’s no-one to talk to late in the night
when you find you can’t sleep, ‘til he puts things right;
Husbands are useful for easing the tension –
besides other things (which I won’t dare to mention!)
No-one to scrub your back in the bath,
To undo stuck zips, or share a good laugh,
No gallant man to come to your aid,
These are the “cons” when you’re an “old maid.”
Are babies a `pro’ or a `con’ – who knows?
But rest assured, from their head to their toes,
When the nappies are clean, and they give you that smile,
There’s nothing that’s sweeter, or more worthwhile
Reproduced with permission