You have so much to teach me, Lord, and much I need to learn,
Please give me strength to do Your will, as I Your voice discern,
My mind is full of selfish thoughts that crowd Your Presence out,
Help me to rid myself of all that causes fear and doubt.
I need to learn to praise You, Lord – I do not praise enough,
I praise You when I’m happy, but seldom when life’s rough;
Help me to know You love me, no matter what takes place,
And give me faith and courage to run a steadfast race.
I need to learn to serve You, You’ve done so much for me,
And others need to know You, so they too can be free;
Fill me with zeal and fervour to be of use to You
Lead me to where You want me, show me what I can do.
I need to learn to loveYou, because You first loved me,
To love You just for dying, in pain, at Calvary;
It’s always very easy to live when there’s reward,
But teach me how to love You, with love like Yours, dear Lord.
I don’t deserve Your love and grace – I’m filled with so much shame,
Yet You reached down and touched me, and called me by my name,
Through tenderness and mercy, You gave me all I own,
And You have promised faithfully that I am not alone.
Thank You for all the things You’ve done, for what You will yet do,
And though there may be many trials I still must struggle through,
If I keep looking up at You, and on Your Spirit lean,
Live in Your Word, and hold Your hand, I will know joy serene.
Looking at the Saviour
Leaning on the Spirit
Living in the Scriptures
(Ian Barclay of Encounter Ministries)
Reproduced with permission