Monday, May 23, 2022

The Garden Tomb JERUSALEM ISRAEL - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

 Picture source: The Essence of ISRAEL Walmer Port Elizabeth

Here is your Word for today: 

Verse:   Psalm 3:3

‘But You, O LORD, are a Shield around me, my glory, and the One Who lifts my head.’

- The Lord is your Protector and your Shield around you.
- He surrounds you from before and behind, above and below, and on all sides.
- Even the fiery darts of the enemy cannot pierce this Shield.
- He also reaches out and lifts up your head so that you can stand secure.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are a Shield of protection around me. You protect me from every attack of the enemy. You lift up my head, You give me joy instead of sorrow, strength instead of weakness, and hope instead of despair. Amen.