Thursday, August 5, 2010

Minister Richard Gush and Westering High School Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

Richard Gush

Pastor Richard Gush (1789–1858), a Christian Missionary from the village Beer in Devon England, arrived in the Eastern Cape from Britian and settled in Salem (peace) near Grahamstown, in South Africa. He was a devout Christian from the Quaker church and was known for his heroic act of saving Salem from Xhosa warriors, riding out to meet them unarmed. He succesfully negotiated with them, and Salem was saved from ever being attacked again, or their cattle stolen. Although the picture of Gush seems stern, he showed his Love for the LORD, and the people of South Africa, by building a church in Salem.


"These events inspired Guy Butler to write Richard Gush of Salem, a play that was commissioned by the Cape Performing Arts Board in 1968 for performance in 1970 as part of the celebrations of 150th anniversary of the 1820 Settlers' arrival. It was subsequently made into a movie.

Gush was a carpenter and built Salem's first church. Only after building the church did he build his house: indeed he and his family lived in a cave for their first seven years in South Africa.

A sports house at Westering High School, Port Elizabeth is named in his honour.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL."