Friday, February 9, 2024

Shirley Maureen Darlow - Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

Copyright. Family member

Pastor Brett Smitsdorf of 'Trinity Baptist' Cape Road Port Elizabeth

A Proverbs 31 Woman

This is my testimony of this amazing wonderful woman, my mother - in - law.

She was a true disciple of JESUS CHRIST, and a child of GOD our FATHER. You did not have to ask her if she was a Christian, you knew it. She had Integrity.

She always spoke well of people, and not once did I hear her demean anybody.

She was an amiable person with a quiet and gentle spirit, always focusing on the people in her presence, rather than herself.

She had a sanguine personality, with an abundance of Love for family and friends, especially her children.

She was a GODLY woman, doing many good works for the LORD, playing the organ in church, teaching Sunday School, sewing dresses and knitting jerseys for orphans, and having the gift of hospitality.

She was a supportive wife to her husband in business, church, and in his ministry.

She was an upright member of the Port Elizabeth community.

She was a woman of PRAYER and FAITH

Many things could be said about her.....but her passing is a great LOSS to all who knew her.

She was my FRIEND.

I am comforted knowing she is with JESUS