Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Telefriend Christian Counselling Port Elizabeth

Picture Downloaded from the Telefriend Website

Telefriend offers free telephonic counselling to needy people who need a friend to talk to during difficult times. Phone 041 - 51 - 5200
Check the number in the Telephone directory

"The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Claim His promise from the Word of God and remember that He loves you. He is only a prayer away. Talk to Him and talk to those people He uses to listen to you and give you guidance and wisdom when you feel you cannot go on.

Published in my poetry book “Reflections” – 1990
(Written at a time when I was feeling the pressures of life because of many commitments; when sometimes God only got my spare time).

Lord, in the busy rush of life, one thing I need to learn –
to take the time to spend with You – Your Holy Will discern,
For there is such a danger, when I’ve so much to do,
worn out by many meetings – I have no time for You.

Give me a quiet spirit, amidst life’s hectic pace
to draw aside from others, and look into Your face,
to spend the time, like Mary, in hearing what You say,
not giving You my “spare time” at the close of every day.

Your life on earth was busy, while giving all You could,
You spent Yourself in service – in always doing good;
Yet You had time communing – just You and God alone*
More blessed and sweeter fellowship has never since been known.

Oh Jesus, when, like Martha, I have so much to do,
And proudly think how good I am at doing things for You
when all You ask is love from me, it’s really quite a crime
if, in my busy schedule, I cannot find the time!

* Mark 1:35

Used with permission