Monday, November 25, 2013

My Simple and Difficult Life Principles Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth

My Simple yet Difficult to Live Life Principles

·       I will love the lord my GOD with all my Heart, Mind and Soul
·      I will follow the 10 Commandments and be quick to repent when I fall
·       I will only Worship one true GOD YHWH, which excludes all other religious belief systems
·       I will show people of other beliefs the love of JESUS Christ – I will feed them, clothe them, fight for them in their weakness,  and pray for them
·       I recognise the power of GOD in my life and that only he can Save me
·       I am thankful and grateful for the wife GOD has given me
·       I am thankful and grateful for the son GOD has given me
·       I am thankful and grateful for the friends GOD has given me along the way
·       I am a Christian by the power of JESUS
·       I confess I have not lived up to JESUS’ Holy name - I want to say “as Christ so me”
·       I will TRUST in JESUS even in my fallen state
·       I ask Christ to deliver me from the slander of my mouth and unclean lips
·       I will not sit in the seat of scoffers
·       I will help the weak and the poor according to my Faith
·       I offer up my spirit to JESUS
·       I have sorrow because I never lived  up to the name of JESUS,  but I ask JESUS still to love me
·       I will resist evil and do good
·       I will never surrender to evil doers but with my life
·       I will never, never give up
·       I will not give my enemies any space
·       I am not alone
·       I am victorious my enemies are loosing
·       I will be good to the weak and the needy
·       I rend my heart over my sin
·       I know how I should be according to the fruits of the SPIRIT
·       I am far from achieving the fruits of the SPIRIT  - I repent in JESUS name
·       I grieve over the loss of my church and my life in it -  BUT GOD holds me in his hand
·       I grieve over the loss of my family - BUT GOD is closer than a friend
·       Be compassionate to all sinners, especially those who repent as I am also just a sinner saved by grace
·       GOD will Judge me
·       I will not scarify my body with anything
·       I will not be a substance abuser
·       I will use my hands for good
·       Forgive your enemies because then GOD can forgive you
·       I am thankful for my family
·       Do not fear death but the ONE who has the power over life and death
·       Love is the greatest gift