Dear God, I pray, when things go wrong,
When I’m discouraged, when the day seems long,
When I’m despairing and all alone,
Help me remember I’m not on my own.
So often I forget that You are there,
I forget that You love me, and that You care,
I forget You know all, I forget You can bless,
I forget that You can see my distress.
Dear God, I pray, please help me know
When I’m in trouble, just where I can go,
You give me troubles, only then can I learn,
Where I can go, and to Whom I can turn.
When there is no-one I can find to trust
When I give up in despair and disgust,
When my heart fails me for worry and fear,
Help me to know that You are near.
Dear God, only You can understand
Why things go wrong, all this You planned,
So when I wish my life would end,
Help me remember You still are my Friend.
Lord, help me to trust in Your World always,
TO depend on You only, for the rest of my days,
For only You can supply all my need,
And only through You can I ever succeed.
Reproduced ny kind permission