Wednesday, January 20, 2010

'Working Girl' Algoa Bay Port Elizabeth


I can’t believe it but the day has come
When I’m no longer under my parents’ thumb,
No more school or the drudge of learning,
Now I’m working and it’s money I’m earning.

No more pigtails or ties or socks
No more post-examination shocks,
Plenty more freedom and much more fun,
Boy, oh boy, my life has begun!

No more sitting learning for a test,
No more cramming and becoming depressed,
No more panic or worry or fear
when examination times draw near.

I don’t have to walk up hills anymore,
And my day only lasts from eight until four,
And after that my evening is free,
Homework and I just didn’t agree.

No more P.T., I’m a lady, you see,
No more jumping over the box for me,
Nothing is dreary and I learn more each day
Which is more than many scholars can say.

Before, at school, I worked very hard,
But, unlike now, there was no reward,
Now it’s for pleasure that I’m getting paid,
And slowly and surely, my fortune’s being made.

I’ll never look back on those days that have gone,
Happy and free I’m pressing along,
Happy and rich with my life all in tune,
I didn’t leave school a moment too soon!

Reproduced by kind permission